Sunday, November 4, 2007

Great Wall Listed in New Seven Great Wonders of the World

The Great Wall is listed among the "New Seven Great Wonders of the World" in an online vote.

The campaign to voting for the "New Seven Great Wonders of the World" was started by a foundation established by Swiss explorer Bernard Weber in 1999. The number of final candidates was narrowed down from 180 to 77 and then from 77 to 21. Finally, 21 places of interest all over the world entered the final run.

It is said 20 million people have taken part. The top seven include the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, the Colosseum in Rome, the Easter Island Statues, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu of Peru, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Taj Mahal of India.

The Great Wall of China currently occupies fourth place in the rankings.

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